Thursday, September 25, 2008

Review on CIP logo by Danish, Jin Hui, Asyraf & Jia Quan

From Top: Dan Design(1); Dan Design (2) and Bottom: Dan CIP Logo (3)
Can you locate the CIP logo in Dan CIP Logo (3)? It's the Big red C with the white 'I' and Blue 'P'.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

ChEcK tHiS OuT - CIP Logo by group (d) Nat & Syimir

This logo will be printed at the back of the T-shirt.
CIP Logo (1)
CIP Logo (2)
Comments: Logo (1) and Logo (2), which do you prefer?
Note to Group (a), (b) and (c): The deadline for CIP logo cum t-shirt design submission is tomorrow (24th Sept, email Miss Danz Tan to submit your entries.).

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Review on 4th Meeting, 17th September @ Com Lab 3

1) 25 students attended the 4th meeting.

2) The consent form regarding the Pretrip overnight stay on the 1st Nov was given out. Forms to be returned by 19th September, Friday. Do indicate on the forms whether your parents would like to join as parent volunteer to help in the phone 'relay system' or network with other parents.

3) The pupils who are officially in the PDS group lead by Robin Chua are Jing Hui, Nathaniel, Vinod, Lee Syimir, Muhd Asyraf, Harish and Cherlele.

4) There are 4 groups of pupils who volunteer to send in their t-shirt cum CIP logo design. They are (a) Jing Hui, Agnes & Cherlele, (b) Liat Zhen & Atikah, (c) Danish & Jin Hui and (d) Nathaniel & Lee Syimir. Note that the design must be submitted by 24th Sept, Wednesday. [basic requirement of the t-shirt: CIP logo, school name, Cultural Immersion Programme 2008]

5) For the cultural dance & song performance: Nathaniel will be the main leader in charge of this item. The rehearsal schedule will fall on 10th Oct (fri) 9am - 4pm, 13th Oct (Mon) 2.30 - 5pm & 14th Oct (Tue) 2.30 - 5pm.

6) Mrs June Ong covered on some of the basic greetings of Vietnamese language (refer to the blog dated 14th Sept).

7) Meanwhile, good luck for your coming exams..

Sunday, September 14, 2008

4th Meeting - 17th September @ Com Lab 3, Time: 2pm

You are required to come back to school in the afternoon to attend the 4th meeting after the completion of your elearning in the morning. Please be punctual for the 4th Meeting. Below are some of the things that will be covered in the 4th Meeting:
  • Testing your skills on Vietnamese language (Meeting & greeting, polite conversation, days of week, months and numbers: refer to blog dated 3rd sept)
  • Checking on the progress of your souvenirs making.
  • To update teachers on your dance and song items (Require to show teachers the dance steps and sing the traditional songs that will be presented)
  • PDS group to confirm on their logistics and members in the group
  • These pupils are to submit their parents'consent form latest 16th Sept: Shemuel/ Lemuel, Harish, Jafred, Bryan, Zi Kun and Nathalie.
  • Harish of 2E1, please be reminded to submit your photocopy of your passport ASAP!!

1st Parents' Briefing 11th Sept 2008

The 1st Parents'Briefing was smoothly conducted on the 11th Sept, 7pm @ AVA theatrette (NVSS). A total of 20 parents attended the briefing. Details such as itinerary of CIP, home-stay issues, costs of programme, information on NGTHS, withdrawal of CIP, dietary constraints, travellers' health and vaccination were covered during the briefing. Briefing slides were also distributed to the parents. It was nice meeting all the parents on that evening. Their presence during the 1st Parents'Briefing were very much appreciated, especially to the muslim parents. Parents were also very forthcoming during the Q&A session and feedback were very constructive. Lastly, do enjoy the short video. We look forward to seeing you on the coming 2nd Parents'Briefing that will be held in October.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Videos to recap on vietnamese vowels

Performances & Souvenirs Update

  • Group B2 and C2 will be working together to select the traditional songs & dance for each ethnic race. The leaders from the rest of the groups are to work together to come up with a schedule for the dancing and singing practices. All members are to put up the performance by the 4th meeting for vetting by the teachers. Please see Miss Danz Tan if you need help.
  • Group C1 are to select between 4 - 6 members to put up the PDS performance. The PDS performance need to be presented during the 4th meeting too.


  • All groups are to start preparing on their souvenirs making. Souvenirs making must be completed by the 5th meeting. Do take note of your time and budget constraints.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Review on 3rd Meeting - 3 Sept 08

The following items were covered during today's meeting at Computer Lab 3. 23 out of 27 students attended today's session.

1. Finalisation of Performances and Souvenirs
To be updated by Ms Danz Tan

2. Introduction to Basic Vietnamese Language
Students were introduced to the vowels, consonants and tones of the Vietnamese language. For those who are still unsure of them, please approach Mrs Ong for clarification. Students are to download the free software for learning basic Vietnamese language from

Before the next meeting, students are to use the software to master the following lists of words:
1. Meeting and Greeting 1
2. Polite Conversation 1
3. Days of week
4. Months
5. Numbers: Cardinal 1

3. Letters to Parents
Students have been issued 2 forms - a letter on the Parents' Briefing which will be held on 11 Sept 08 from 7pm to 8pm; and a consent form for the Cultural Immersion Programme. Students are to highlight to their parents that after signing the consent form, should they withdraw from the Programme, they will have to pay the full cost of airfare and other travel-related costs. The bottom portion of the consent form is to be returned to Ms Danz Tan or Mrs June Ong by 11 Sept 08.